티스토리 뷰

xe 마이그레이션 시 첨부파일을 base64 인코딩하여 마이그레이션을 한다.

과연 어떤과정을 거칠까 궁금하나 하나씩 뜯어보기로 했다.

importer.admin.controller.php 파일의 importAttaches 파일은 xe로 import 하는 부분이다. 과연 어떻게 하나 살펴보자.

     * Import attachment
     * @param resource $fp
     * @param int $module_srl
     * @param int $upload_target_srl
     * @param array $files
     * @return int
    function importAttaches($fp, $module_srl, $upload_target_srl, &$files)
        $uploaded_count = 0;

        $started = false;
        $buff = null;

        $file_obj = new stdClass;
            $str = trim(fgets($fp, 1024));
            // If it ends with </attaches>, break
            if(trim($str) == '</attaches>') break;
            // If it starts with <attach>, collect attachments
            if(trim($str) == '<attach>')
                $file_obj->file_srl = getNextSequence();
                $file_obj->upload_target_srl = $upload_target_srl;
                $file_obj->module_srl = $module_srl;

                $started = true;
                $buff = null;
                // If it starts with <file>, handle the attachement in xml file
            else if(trim($str) == '<file>')
                $file_obj->file = $this->saveTemporaryFile($fp);

            if($started) $buff .= $str;
            // If it ends with </attach>, handle attachements
            if(trim($str) == '</attach>')
                $xmlDoc = $this->oXmlParser->parse($buff.$str);

                $file_obj->source_filename = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->filename->body);
                $file_obj->download_count = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->download_count->body);

                    $url = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->url->body);
                    $path = base64_decode($xmlDoc->attach->path->body);
                    if($path && file_exists($path)) $file_obj->file = $path;
                        $file_obj->file = $this->getTmpFilename();
                        FileHandler::getRemoteFile($url, $file_obj->file);

                    $random = new Password();
                    // Set upload path by checking if the attachement is an image or other kind of file
                    if(preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|gif|png|wm[va]|mpe?g|avi|swf|flv|mp[1-4]|as[fx]|wav|midi?|moo?v|qt|r[am]{1,2}|m4v)$/i", $file_obj->source_filename))
                        // Immediately remove the direct file if it has any kind of extensions for hacking
                        $file_obj->source_filename = preg_replace('/\.(php|phtm|phar|html?|cgi|pl|exe|jsp|asp|inc)/i', '$0-x', $file_obj->source_filename);
                        $file_obj->source_filename = str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('%3C', '%3E'), $file_obj->source_filename);

                        $path = sprintf("./files/attach/images/%s/%s", $module_srl, getNumberingPath($upload_target_srl, 3));

                        $ext = substr(strrchr($file_obj->source_filename,'.'),1);
                        $_filename = $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex').'.'.$ext;
                        $filename = $path.$_filename;

                        $idx = 1;
                            $filename = $path.preg_replace('/\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i','_'.$idx.'.$1', $_filename);

                        $file_obj->direct_download = 'Y';
                        $path = sprintf("./files/attach/binaries/%s/%s", $module_srl, getNumberingPath($upload_target_srl,3));
                        $filename = $path.$random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex');
                        $file_obj->direct_download = 'N';
                    // Create a directory
                    if(!FileHandler::makeDir($path)) continue;

                    if(strncmp('./files/cache/importer/', $file_obj->file, 23) === 0)
                        FileHandler::rename($file_obj->file, $filename);
                        copy($file_obj->file, $filename);

                    // Insert the file to the DB
                        $file_obj->uploaded_filename = $filename;
                        $file_obj->file_size = filesize($filename);
                        $file_obj->comment = NULL;
                        $file_obj->member_srl = 0;
                        $file_obj->sid = $random->createSecureSalt(32, 'hex');
                        $file_obj->isvalid = 'Y';
                        $output = executeQuery('file.insertFile', $file_obj);

                            $tmp_obj = null;
                            $tmp_obj->source_filename = $file_obj->source_filename;
                            if($file_obj->direct_download == 'Y') $files[$file_obj->source_filename] = $file_obj->uploaded_filename;
                            else $files[$file_obj->source_filename] = getUrl('','module','file','act','procFileDownload','file_srl',$file_obj->file_srl,'sid',$file_obj->sid);
        return $uploaded_count;

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